Shifting our Blog this week from Flashback to Here & Now

Would you Be interested in a Daily, Weekly or Monthly Podcast...???   Let's take the Masks off and Talk about the Real Shitake Going on...Change Begins in Me

This Design came from Noticing what we notice. Sometimes what I found in the journey of personal development and self care for myself and others is We get caught up in the Look Good Rather than the Deeper Feel Good. Any of us can put a Mask on and Show up acting like our life is Freaking Awesome & Perfect, like we have our Shitake together, that's Easy. Taking the Mask off and Being REAL, now that's where the Change Begins How many of us are done with Acting like life is all good when Reality is, we have Inner traumas and Demons we face everyday. Our team and tribe of Beautiful Artistic Souls are Ready to take the Masks off and GET Real so we CAN actually Live a Life that Feels and IS Awesome. It may not be Perfect and that's the Best part. It's Imperfectly imperfect, which makes it easier to try new things, look at those Beliefs that feel icky and Drop kick them to the trash if they don't feel good and have no purpose anymore.

So if you are Ready to stop Faking it til you make it and gain some REAL Shifts in your life as well. Grab your Masks off...Let's Get Real Tee today and make sure you join one of our groups on FB or IG to see how we can support each other on this journey. Did you know Personal Development & Self Help can Level up even more when we have Partners in Believing? If you'd Love the support in your journey, we are here and Ready to Rise. We love you, You are Enough and the Investments in YOU are Worth it.

When I finally Realized I'm perfectly Imperfect and it's Okay

When I finally Realized I'm perfectly Imperfect and it's Okay
Hello Beautiful People

I love this weeks Blog, it is around my I'm Perfectly Imperfect Design as this is something I struggled with for tooo long.  Sabotaging relationships as I thought I needed to be heard and understood.   Always Feeling Not Good Enough, Having to prove I was Right, that I am a Good person, always Doing to compensate for the feeling inside me that I was just not good enough and I didn't matter unless I was Doing for others, up until now.   What I know today is no matter how loud or soft we speak, we all hear from where we are.  We may not always agree or even be able to come to a compromise in that moment, especially if there is more than 1 passionate and/or trauma triggered individual involved in the discussion and it's okay.  We can agree to disagree with kindness as what's right for some may not be right for all and again that's okay, You do your Best you Boo.

In my early years of recovery and adulting, I thought I had to take on the world in order to help change the world.  I thought I had to change others thoughts & beliefs in order to be heard and seen, to help make this world a better place.   Fighting for all the injustices of the world.  What I know today, I have to take on myself as it's the only thing I have control of my thoughts, reactions, responses and triggers.  That's the only way to make changes in me and my outside world too.  The cool thing is I also know, Change Begins in Me.   What does that mean?   It means when I was coming home or waking up angry with life that no one did anything right, or what I asked, no one helps, no one hears me, no one listens, all the Shitake I was telling myself, because I didn't feel good enough to ask for help, give myself & others grace while I speak my truth with openness, rather I would speak my truth in defense.   I laugh at myself today as, What the Fluff Crystal, really do you listen when people show up in defense?  Hell to the nah nah nah, let's get really real.   If someone came to me before my inner work, I had very cut and dry, cookie cutter, black & white reactions and responses, my way or no way, short sweet to the point responses and would not hear others thoughts.

However, my beautiful lil family that loves me and themselves so much they refused to engage in my ick or my Grrr.  So while I was stuck in not feeling good enough, mad at the situations, the why me's, why do they do that to me, why do they act like that, all the things, judging others behaviors, thoughts and actions rather than handling my own shitake, it was way easier at that time.  To look at (what I thought was) helping others correct their behaviors to knowing it is something I need to correct in me and if they desire the shift too, they will ask.  I can't save anyone but myself and if they want the change they will do it their way, if they want the help they will ask and as long as I am Being open with love, compassion & grace, as we are all doing the best we can with the resources and experiences we had, we may Rise together.   When I would shove my beliefs on others, rather than listening and sharing our stories for experience strength and hope for each others life's, I damaged a lot of relationships with my behavior.  It's not my job to fix others, it's my job to work on me, show up authentically me and allow others to show up authentically as well, so that we may all speak with kindness for ourselves and each other.  

I was the Beast that roared at the world Doing everything to make it Right.   Today I take on my Inner Beast with the Love, Grace, Compassion and Kindness I used to give so freely to others that took advantage unknowingly and would unleash my protective survival beast.   Today I take the Pause, find my woosah and figure out what the situation is triggering in me.  If it triggers me, it's something I need to resolve in me, it doesn't mean the other persons behavior is cool, it just means, I can only change me.  If I show up in anger and Grrrr, no one or thing can change for the good and truly that's what we are all hear for, the Good.  The Good in life, the Best things in life which are free Love, Connection, Compassion, Kindness and Grace for ourselves and others.   

Bottom line we are all Imperfectly Imperfect and we are all doing the best we can.   When I show up in love, grace and kindness for me first, honoring me and my inner space first then showing up for others, that's where Shift Happens for me.  The best part is I am seeing it in others to and I don't have to be the Grumpy Bear policing everyone else anymore, I can show up and honor myself, if I need to pause or walk away to get my center it's okay.  Those that matter will understand, those that don't understand, that's okay too.   People don't have to get me, understand me or agree with me today to know my worth and this gift for myself is freaking Priceless, so much gratitude for how I Feel inside today.

Thus became the Design I'm perfectly Imperfect.  Because bottom line we all are and Feeling Good inside first is my top priority so I may show up as me, all of me open honest, vulnerable and if others don't like it, that's okay too, that's their Shitake not mine.  I only have control of my thoughts behaviors and actions, no one elses, not even my kid or wife, it's all on me on how I feel.   Wow that's empowering and scary too.   Until next week if you love what you read I dare you to take a pause when triggered and ask 3 questions...
What's this triggering for me?  How can I show up authentically me?  What would I love in this situation?   If you can ask those for yourself, listen & speak with love & compassion move forward, if not, it may not be your shitake to handle, Let that Shitake go.   I have learned My energy and how I feel is way more important than all that, we are all more than that.  We can all agree to disagree with kindness or walk away and let it be, somethings I can't change, it's okay.

See you next week

My Shift from my own Worst Enemy to my own Best Friend and Cheerleader

Hello, Happy Aloha Friday, it’s a Better late than never Newsletter Week for me.  I am honoring myself & the Present as much as possible today, before I move forward.  Yesterday I got to enjoy Distance learning with D & Jazz, working and spent some time with Moms chatting & catching up.   Very thankful for the moments and enjoying the Gifts for the Blessings they are, Priceless.

This gave me Pause to look back on this Design and where I was when I created it.  I was Realizing, I am here for a Reason and need to get My Assets off the Sidelines in all areas of my Life.   I laugh as I can hear the difference in How I say it to myself today compared to when I created it.  I had begun Mindset work and yet I still Believed I needed the Drill Sergeant side of me to Yell & Force me off the Couch and back in the Game of Life,   Yelling and Roaring to GO, GO, GO, ROARRRR, pushing, poking, prodding, grinding and forcing life.  My apologies for all who Love me still after all the Icky Energy I was unknowingly gifting at that time.  Today I know, that side of me had a time and place in the survival of my life and it’s what I knew, up until now.  It had worked well to get me that far.  Yet I still didn’t Feel Good inside about myself, my life, my family, my dream or any of those things. 

In fact I was taking my Shitake out on everyone & everything around me, blaming everything else outside of me for how I felt inside of me. I LMAO at my beliefs then and I didn’t know.  Today I am my own Best Friend and Cheerleader and it Feels so Much Better.

Change Begins in Me not outside of me, this is the Biggest Shift in Mindset, Motivation and Movement and Mind Opening for me.  This Shift finally made me realize life isn’t happening to me, It’s happening around me & for me, for all of us.   My Inner Peace, Joy & Happiness is My JOB as that is Ultimately the only thing I have Full and complete control of.  I can only control how I show up everyday, everything else is out of my control.   So unless there is something I can do in me to Shift the circumstance, it’s not my Shitake so let it be.   I can only Shift my Shitake, no one else's and no one else can do it for me either.  Thus, Shift your Shitake, Cause that’s the Bottom line.  I choose what frequency and how I vibrate in at any given moment thus taking back my power to choose what, when, how and who gets my energy and power.   How FREEing is that?  For me that Shift has been Priceless.   It’s my choice?  Yes.  I can Pause and take a moment to get back to my center?  Yes.  I don’t have to engage and rage to be seen & heard?  No.   I can Pause and ask myself questions about why I am Feeling this way about this situation? Yes.  Is this from past trauma and beliefs?  Is this a pattern?  What’s the lesson I need to learn?  Is this something that needs my Survival mode right now or is it a Stuck pattern I have hauled around with me for too long?   In that Pause, I take my Power back, Heal & Learn what I need to and if it needs to be addressed, then I can show up in My Purple Love Vibration to see all the sides to the full situation (the Big Picture) to choose the Best possible solution and let it Go if there’s nothing I feel invited not obligated to do.   I truly Love and Appreciate a Win Win life today, by honoring myself, the present and the Gift of Everyday to allow all the Freaking Awesome life has to offer as much as possible.  It’s a work in progress as is the journey of life.  Life isn’t about the Final Destination, it’s Truly about Riding the Waves and Enjoying the Ride as Much as possible in the Everyday.   Life has ick, bumps, challenges and all the things And I have the Choice today on what I choose to focus my energy and power on.  I love that I get to take the time to look back and acknowledge where I was and share the lessons with all of you.   I love and appreciate you, all of you even if at times we are distant for whatever reasons, I truly hope you know how much I Love you and Desire the Best for you and your Best Life, each and every day.   

To all the Moms (Fur, Guardians & Double Duties Included) I hope everyday is a celebration for the toughest, most thankless, demanding, no instructions job on the planet. Being in care of another’s life isn’t always easy and yet it can be the most fulfilling as well.  Thank you, for all you do, all you are and all you walk through, Celebrate YOU this Weekend.  What Would you LOVE…

Did you See, I Opened My Throat Chakra, Lookout Now, Much Love and Many Blessings.

BTW, Did you See the Freaking Fluffing Affirmations, I'd love to Record them with awesome background music, release the Affirmations Deck and App...All in the Process and My first Book is being Created, so excited to share the Experience, Strength and Love with all of you.

Be and Do What You Love More and More Each Day

Oil up Buttercup...this came about because I tried something new

 This Design was created as I was Reminded of a similar time in my journey that I needed to show up for those we love, when it was something I and We were uncomfortable doing.  This saying reminds me, I have the tools to walk through any situation even if I need to take a pause to Smell the Aroma, to Center, Ground and Move on with the next steps, getting out of my comfort zones.   What are some tools you use? 
Some of you are wondering with all the changes and all the things I have shifted over the years, what in the world is she doing.   First I coach & share my experience, strength & hope with others, as mentors, coaches & others stories have helped in my own journey along the way.   Oils have been a part off & on up until September 2015.  We as a family were invited to be a part of our loved ones special day.  Being dressed up and standing up in front of people is not something we are fully comfortable with and didn't know how we were going to get through it, for them.   I started researching what natural ways could help and asked My Sister if she had any ideas to add to the tapping we were already using.   She researched oils & herbs that could work and created a blend especially for Jazz, who was our main concern getting through.  She Called it Suck it Up Buttercup and it helped quite a few more people other than Jazz that Day.   They Remind us to take a pause & Shift our Shitake, to move forward.

When it worked, I began my journey of finding Quality oils to see what else they could support.  I found my bottle of Peace & Calming from 2005, compared it to some other brands oils I had just bought and knew in my heart.  So if you've been wondering are they are part of my life still, AbsoFreakinglutely they are.   They are in every part of my Life, AFT for mental wellness, my Daily Wellness routine and Home Care products and if that interests you, I love talking about them.  If not, no worries we have many tools available, let's see what else could work for you, you do your Best you.

Speaking of other tools did you know we can start with simple shifts to our Conscious language & How WE speak to ourselves and those we speak to as well?  Did you know we can add simple Energy Medicine techniques, EFT( Tapping), Dance, Sound therapy, Yoga, Mindful Movement, Mindset shifts, AFT, Gratitude & Forgiveness practices, Turning the everyday mundane in to fun and play, etc. with or without oils?   There are so many ways to support our Health & Wellness journey and we love hearing & sharing about what has helped along the way.

So this was Created for Me and the Oilers that Love Reminders to Shift that Shitake in our Minds to clear out the clutter and Move forward with the Next steps.   I love and appreciate watching the Shifts in those I love that begin finding Balance in their Wellness journey.

BTW if you didn't see the cute autoplay video when you got this click here to see it.  And did you see all the New stuff coming out as Reminders and Fun Conversation starters?  Check them out Here

Thank you...You are Enough, I love you. I appreciate you, You are Worth it....Just Keep Swimming and Dreaming, You are Here for a Reason   See you next week

Why I Believe in Miracles, Mermaids & Essential Oils

 This Weeks look back on our Designs from Oldest to Newest, was Created for our Beautiful Inside & Out Mermaid Sister/s and Brothers.   I Believe in Miracles, Mermaids & Essential Oils, I know they have helped in many ways to support me in my Journey on my own path to Wellness.  Thankful for Partners in Believing.   Would you Love to read more on Why I Believe? 

Many times in my life when I thought there was No hope left and yet surrendered to the fact. maybe it's not for me right now and if it's meant to be it will be.  If not it's for a Good reason and it'll be even better, when I get out of my own way.  Jazzy is one of those Miracles in my life at 37,  I was surprised with what was supposedly impossible became my Reminder Miracle that they do happen, when in alignment.

This Design was created when I linked arms with my partner in Believing in Dreams, Visions, Positive, Heart Centered Service and Accountability, in the knowing together is way stronger, especially in Believing.   When the Shitake hits the fan and your go to peeps aren't available for whatever reasons, Believing & Accountability Partners are Priceless, Miracles at times in themselves.  Together We Are Miraculous, Thankful for Beautiful Friends who become Family...High Vibing, Mermaids as they learn to ebb and flow with and play in the Ocean of Life.   Mermaids Surf the Waves and Enjoy the Ride of Life as Much as Possible.

Essential Oils are in this category as for so long and so many they seem like a Myth. However, in many ways they have been that for me helping to support my overall Mind, Body & Spirit wellness.   The Vibration and Frequency they provide in my life and in many ways to see how they could support me on a Day to Day and at times, Moment to Moment basis.  I love that I have them as options and opportunities especially since they enhance so many pieces of my life from cleaning to cooking, from walking through tough emotions to breathing a lil easier, even our hair & body care, Yoga & Exercise, Massage, I could go on & on but I won't.   I love talking about them to those that love to learn what could be possible, if not no worries.   We always have Beautiful energy Love & Light (and it's Free), I even choose to enhance my Energy work with them too.   

Okay so There's a lil of Why I Believe, Do you Believe too?   Did you know I do coaching, Reiki Distance & In Person and more coming.    Did you join the 33 Day #lovemylife Challenge?  Have you heard Freaking Fluffing Affirmations?   Did you see our Newest Additions to the Store?  Omg We've been having fun, Check it out if you'd love some Fun Inspiration

Otherwise, I hope you have a Beautiful week and if you'd love to Join in the Fun, we'd love to link hands in finding ways to Be our Best selves...See you Next Week

Choose Create a Great Day

BTW if you'd Love to know more about Being more Purple in a Sea a many colors here's a quick Video, if you want details click Here

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