Cabin Time, My Happy Place Thanks Moms for Dreaming & Believing

Found this from Thursdays bad it had a glitch...

Good Day to all you Beautiful souls

Today as I am writing this it’s Thursday and I am very thankful for who I am, where I am as a Human, a Personal Brand and growing expanding company.  It’s funny to me as yesterday was my 30 year anniversary of the first day of making me and my recovery priority.   The day before I had went back to my old life for help with my van & thought I was strong enough to be around my old friends who I had to leave for me to get clean and off the streets.   I was getting my van fixed to make it to my sponsors wedding & reception with recovering people.  I felt so much guilt & shame around what happened and then after I shared what happened and came clean about starting over on Day 1.  I vowed, I was more than who I was. I have to do whatever is necessary to keep that Back in the day, Back in the Day.   It’s been a long journey from then to now.

One of the biggest moments and pivot points from then til now is our Mom's Dream.  Mom wanted a log cabin in the woods and at the time, where they were, my not the momma told her...When Pigs Fly.  My mom really wanted it and held that Dream in the corner of her heart and thoughts, not knowing how it would happen, just believing it would.   That was in the 90’s, in the early 2000’s they received the property through a family friend in their price range.  They met a beautiful couple that sold Log cabins and again it just so happened to be obtainable, they broke foundation in Winter of 2005 and by the Summer of 2006.   Us, Family & Friends were putting up trim, walls, beginner decks and roof and then keeping up with the maintenance and continuing movement forward. 

There’s been many Beautiful friends and family who have helped along the Journey for that I am truly thankful and grateful.   The awesome stories of Fun, love, blood, sweat, tears, laughter, hard work, lessons and Blessings, truly Priceless...   

I am sharing this story as they started talking about the next step of their Dream of leaving the Bay and moving to the cabin Full time about 3 years ago.   When that happened I was in the next shift of creating our Dreams of our Family business and had started designing Shirts.   I designed this one for them and us as the reminder that when we hold a Dream in our Heart with Love and Grace it will be ours and Dreams Do Come True.   

Today as I write this we are in the final stages of moving them out of the Bay and on to their Dreams, a cabin in the woods, surrounded by beautiful nature, friends and a life they can enjoy together.   Creating and playing as much as they can.  I am so happy for them and love that we have been a part of their journey.  Looking forward to pictures and postcards of their many adventures to come.  Thanks for teaching us How to Dream, now it’s time for them to Live theirs. Wishing them many Blessings a long the way, taking the time for more joy in the Present and celebrating all they have been there done that,  thus far.   We Love you and Hope you Love every moment and Create many more Beautiful memories.     

If you'd Love one too Awesome, click here.   Who would love to see this Design on a Mug in Honor of The Hard work, Lessons and Blessings of their Journey?   Who would love to see an update, a lot has changed since this pic?

Have you heard about all our March Events and all the ways we are supporting our Teams, Tribe and Families...Omg I am so thankful and grateful for the life I live today.  I am glad I get to share it with all of you and I am looking forward to many more moments, memories and miracles.  If you’d love to Join in the Fun...Check out our Hardcore & Heart Centered Caretaker Souls Group on FB, Ready to Rise with us in your Side Gig to Main Gig, Jump in our Messenger to see if our Beautiful Boss Beaches Group is Right for you, we are on Day 11 of Side Gig to Main Gig, doing what we love, serving our Families and Communities.   Thank you for being here, looking forward to seeing you on Zooms.  

Here's the Link to Save for Easy access to Links and events, we update regularly, Do you have an awesome gift or talent you would you love to Share with our Tribes, we are all over Wellness a Healthier lifestyle with Shifting your Shitake, Cause that's the Bottom line, Fun & Sassy Designs, Crystal & Aroma Creations, Rehoming, Repurposing and Reigniting the Dreams in others that have lost the umphh and sometimes hope Dreams Do Come True.   I and We are here to say, They Do and they can continue to come true, when we align with our passions our desires and our Inner Peace and Joy it Can be done with more Fun & Ease rather than Harsh Dis-Ease.   Change Begins in me and it does in you too.  I Believe in you and it's worth doing the work, it is for me and so many others.   Thank you for your time, I appreciate you and look forward to sharing even more.   

Who loves a Virtual and In person Garage Sale?  If you know me I could go on and on, lol   For now, know I Love you , We love you, You're HP loves you and You are Enough as you are, right where you are today and everyday.   What are you Choosing everyday to get closer to a Life you Love to Live Everyday...Yep even doing chores and work.

Cabin Time, My Happy Place Thanks Moms for Dreaming & Believing

Good Day to all you Beautiful souls

Today as I am writing this it’s Thursday and I am very thankful for who I am, where I am as a Human, a Personal Brand and growing expanding company.  It’s funny to me as yesterday was my 30 year anniversary of the first day of making me and my recovery priority.   The day before I had went back to my old life for help with my van & thought I was strong enough to be around my old friends who I had to leave for me to get clean and off the streets.   I was getting my van fixed to make it to my sponsors wedding & reception with recovering people.  I felt so much guilt & shame around what happened and then after I shared what happened and came clean about starting over on Day 1.  I vowed, I was more than who I was. I have to do whatever is necessary to keep that Back in the day, Back in the Day.   It’s been a long journey from then to now.

One of the biggest moments and pivot points from then til now is our Mom's Dream.  Mom wanted a log cabin in the woods and at the time, where they were, my not the momma told her...When Pigs Fly.  My mom really wanted it and held that Dream in the corner of her heart and thoughts, not knowing how it would happen, just believing it would.   That was in the 90’s, in the early 2000’s they received the property through a family friend in their price range.  They met a beautiful couple that sold Log cabins and again it just so happened to be obtainable, they broke foundation in Winter of 2005 and by the Summer of 2006.   Us, Family & Friends were putting up trim, walls, beginner decks and roof and then keeping up with the maintenance and continuing movement forward. 

There’s been many Beautiful friends and family who have helped along the Journey for that I am truly thankful and grateful.   The awesome stories of Fun, love, blood, sweat, tears, laughter, hard work, lessons and Blessings, truly Priceless...   

I am sharing this story as they started talking about the next step of their Dream of leaving the Bay and moving to the cabin Full time about 3 years ago.   When that happened I was in the next shift of creating our Dreams of our Family business and had started designing Shirts.   I designed this one for them and us as the reminder that when we hold a Dream in our Heart with Love and Grace it will be ours and Dreams Do Come True.   

Today as I write this we are in the final stages of moving them out of the Bay and on to their Dreams, a cabin in the woods, surrounded by beautiful nature, friends and a life they can enjoy together.   Creating and playing as much as they can.  I am so happy for them and love that we have been a part of their journey.  Looking forward to pictures and postcards of their many adventures to come.  Thanks for teaching us How to Dream, now it’s time for them to Live theirs. Wishing them many Blessings a long the way, taking the time for more joy in the Present and celebrating all they have been there done that,  thus far.   We Love you and Hope you Love every moment and Create many more Beautiful memories.     

If you'd Love one too Awesome, click here.   Who would love to see this Design on a Mug in Honor of The Hard work, Lessons and Blessings of their Journey?   Who would love to see an update, a lot has changed since this pic?

Have you heard about all our March Events and all the ways we are supporting our Teams, Tribe and Families...Omg I am so thankful and grateful for the life I live today.  I am glad I get to share it with all of you and I am looking forward to many more moments, memories and miracles.  If you’d love to Join in the Fun...Check out our Hardcore & Heart Centered Caretaker Souls Group on FB, Ready to Rise with us in your Side Gig to Main Gig, Jump in our Messenger to see if our Beautiful Boss Beaches Group is Right for you, we are on Day 11 of Side Gig to Main Gig, doing what we love, serving our Families and Communities.   Thank you for being here, looking forward to seeing you on Zooms.  

Here's the Link to Save for Easy access to Links and events, we update regularly, Do you have an awesome gift or talent you would you love to Share with our Tribes, we are all over Wellness a Healthier lifestyle with Shifting your Shitake, Cause that's the Bottom line, Fun & Sassy Designs, Crystal & Aroma Creations, Rehoming, Repurposing and Reigniting the Dreams in others that have lost the umphh and sometimes hope Dreams Do Come True.   I and We are here to say, They Do and they can continue to come true, when we align with our passions our desires and our Inner Peace and Joy it Can be done with more Fun & Ease rather than Harsh Dis-Ease.   Change Begins in me and it does in you too.  I Believe in you and it's worth doing the work, it is for me and so many others.   Thank you for your time, I appreciate you and look forward to sharing even more.   

Who loves a Virtual and In person Garage Sale?  If you know me I could go on and on, lol   For now, know I Love you , We love you, You're HP loves you and You are Enough as you are, right where you are today and everyday.   What are you Choosing everyday to get closer to a Life you Love to Live Everyday...Yep even doing chores and work.

Shift Happens and Boi Howdy does it

Hello, Happy Friday,

My apologies for delay in Weekly Newsletter, We are shifting a lot of Shitake in our lives and others and yep I got my release days crossed.  

 This is our Most Popular Design.  

Very thankful as this was created for a Reminder for myself and tribe that when life seems to being throwing curve balls at us.   Shift happens and we have a choice on how we react and therefore receive them.  We can choose to Swing for the Bay, Punt or let it pass on by, no matter what the challenge, when Shift Happens, anything is Possible.   

Shift your Shitake @PurpleCrystal333 Where Feeling good is our top priority

 As I am sitting here writing this, so much has Shifted in my life since I created this.   My Mindset, Motivation and Movement are now in full alignment with me and my heart center.   I have always loved chatting, helping others talk & walk through Shitake and much more.  I am thankful for the journey and the lessons a long the way today..  I remember a time in my life, when things went different than plan, I could lose my Shitake in an instant and very rarely could I recover my full thoughts.  My frustration increased as I sought to do more and strive for perfection all the time, not allowing grace for mistakes and growth a long the way.  I caused myself so much pain and Dis-Ease in my energy and my life.   

That is where I was 3 years ago, longing for something more and driving my Mind, Body & Spirit down to the ground in the process.   After learning the hard way for so long, I now live this on a daily basis.   Shift Happens, we CAN choose how we react & respond to any given situation.   Today I choose to find my Woosah before I respond therefore holding my own power and finding solutions with more fun & ease. 

If you'd love a Reminder too... Shift Happens

Below you will find all the events and ways we are supporting our family, tribes and communities Now and Beyond...   BTW Did you Hear we are doing Once a month Garage Sales, 3rd Weekend of the Month for all the Families we are helping in their own journey of Shifting.   

Live, Love, Laugh...We are all doing our Best on our walk home

Live, Love, Laugh...We are all doing our Best on our walk home

This is a Wood burning gift Jazz and I created, we loved it so much, we decided to use the design in our shop.  We have it in Retro also from when I first started and hadn't learned how to edit the photos.   As I grow myself, family, team, tribe and business I have learned and gained the invaluable skills of Love and Grace for myself and loved ones.   Life is a Journey and we can choose how we show up for ourselves and the world around.   As an empath & many trauma survivor, I had difficulty, separating energies, mine from others, trauma response to the now which caused lots of Dis-Ease in my Mind, Body & Spirit and overall relationships.   After lots of Shifting of my own Shitake and continuously shifting, I have learned what's my Shitake and how to stay in my lane.  We now live a Life more and more that we love, reminding ourselves in the everyday, day to day, when we Live, Love & Laugh more often, Miracles happen.   What do you Choose to Create today, I choose a Life of Living, Loving and Laughing as much as possible.  We love that we live in a world filled with Rainbows reminding us to Live, Love and Laugh to our hearts content,   We love you, We appreciate you and We are here to Join hands and Shine like the Beautiful Beaches we are.   

We love encouraging, empowering each other while holding each other accountable with Love and Grace.   We do our best to see the Purple of life as it's a color of inclusivity, vibrancy & courage, the Crystal of life as it's transparent, crystal clear, energy filled vibes fit with our tribe vibe and the 333 for the belief, what we give out comes back 3 fold, shift happens in 3's and Angels, Ancestors & Higher Power of our choice always have our back, they love, appreciate and will guide us on this path and journey with Love, Grace and Fun when we Ask and Allow,     

Thank you so much for Reading this and taking the time for you, if you'd love to learn more we'd love see if it feels like a good fit check out our group @Purple Crystal Wellness, and if you'd love to Join our weekly newsletter, you just need to be on our Team or a Customer that already Subscribed to our Newsletter, if you haven't already then make sure you opt in for our weekly newsletter when you Click Here

If you are interested in seeing how you could start or turn your side gig in to your main gig, in 90 days, join our Rise & Shine Event tonight @630pm pst.  Let's get prepped and Ready for Monday 2/22 Kick off the Challenge.  I am so amused and love watching this all unfold, letting go of my control side more and more to allow the inspired actions and Miracles to show up everyday...So so Worth every bit for me and our Family for sure.   Very thankful, grateful and blessed.    

I am getting ready for the First of 2 weekends of Moms Garage sale, they began Dreaming this Dream and soon it's part of their everyday.  They remind me to keep dreaming stay positive and keep moving.  With that said next week will include 2 videos at least one Replay from our Zooms and a video from me.   This week is the replay from last night our Fun high vibing interview with Susie of Teeny Dogss.

Thank you and Choose Create a Great Day

Happy Birthday Sandi our Holiday guide and Why we would love your help

  So a lil back story on our family, Tammy and I began our journey in May of 2006.  There was a lot of turmoil and shifts among our chosen and blood family during this time.   January 15th, 2007 during one of the biggest transitions in our family.  Moving to Tracy from Fairfield we stopped for Turtle food and came home with the Biggest love and link of our lives, Sandi was 2 months at that time!   Tam and I had a lot to work through both as individuals and to be the family we are today.  We are thankful for the entire journey as we both loved each other while the other one grew through their stuff.   The one thing consistent has been this beautiful girl of ours, Sandi and the Love we both share for her.   She Loved us both no matter what crazy things we did.   She’s always there to unconditionally love us through it and roll her eyes when we were silly, we love our Scorpios  

   Through the birth of Jazzy in 2010 and moving into our home now, she's always by one of our sides.  In 2014 she decided she was done being a gypsy dog & made it known she found her permanent home and thus began the next phase of our lives.  We officially made US,  a family on May 21st, 2016, where she made sure she was a part of, no matter what we did.   Her family and a party were going on, so since the area was open, we attempted to block her off.  It didn’t matter what we tried she always wants to be a part of, she even walked me down the aisle and came back with us across the broom.  During the leap of Faith we took as a Family to shift from Money driven to Heart centered businesses, while growing our tribe and community, She is loved by all who meet her.  The pretty pretty lil pity that she is, she smashes FEARs, with how deep she loves and especially her kids that need the extra loves.    Always ready to give kisses and snugs NOW we are finding she’s the one that needs them the most. 

   In late September she took a fall on our dog ramp that brought us to a Vet, where we found out she has Bone cancer & tumors, they were not sure how far it went.   Originally they thought amputation may help and then we realized it had spread.   So the DR’s prescribed Heavy painkillers and Anti inflammatories to make her comfortable and we started prepping to help her to the Rainbow Bridge.  

On Halloween morning when we woke up she had spunk & fight back.  So I spoke to the Vet to advise & discuss adding more Natural alternatives and looking in to ways to support her on this journey as there were positive changes made.  Thus brings us to this Holiday guide, I’ve always wanted to do one and yet I didn’t want to do it like everyone else as we aren’t everyone else.    We love sharing our shop, our world, our lifestyle and all the parts of our businesses like a Family with all the Real things and without the hype.   So that’s a little about why we are doing this guide, we need our communities' help..   Getting the word out about PurpleCrystal333 whether it’s our Fun & Sassy Designs shop, our Handwrapped with Love Jewelry & Customs or our Oily team, these are the things that allow me to work from home to care for her, while homeschooling our daughter, helping other parents as they need and facing our demons to grow as a beautiful family that thrives with and alongside our tribe   We Believe in building our Dreams together as the Beautiful Boss Beaches we are, Encouraging & Empowering Accountability partners for Love, Compassion, Kindness and Understanding.   Together WE R.I.S.E to our Best versions each and every day  

 We had so much fun with our Birthday celebration and Holiday Roll out.   Gave beautiful pieces away to 3 Lucky people.   Thank you for all your love and support, we appreciate you, with you our Family business grows.  Our Holiday Guide is available NOW HERE and will be updated with New items, events and Roll out Weekly.   

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