Are you a Mythical Creature, learning to Embrace your Inner Dragon, Like Me?

So why the headline?   When I started focusing on living my dreams I had a couple things out of whack.  First was my thinking that most people were like me and I could help everybody the same.  Second was thinking I needed to work on my businesses and hustle harder, to allow me more time to work on healing myself more.  I knew I had desires to help others, a desire to feel good and share it with the world and so much more.  What I didn't realize at the time, my biggest fears would raise up as soon as I took the leap to live a life I dream of.   

In my haste to run away from the long commute, Dis-Ease & stress filled job I had created.   I was smacked in the face with the reality of no matter, where we go, there we are.  I had brought the same person that had been stuck in survival mode with me, which then brought every fear I had at the time.   I had made Plan B through I don't remember, lol to keep hustling in order to push the businesses to grow.  That's what I knew, I only knew how to be a DOer,  pushing through all the things that kept popping up and now working 18 to 20 hrs a day while failing miserably.  I can look back now and know that I was attempting to build businesses based on service to others while being out of service for myself.  I was at home but now I wasn't available 7 days a week as it was my business now.  Which as some of you may already know, if our cup is empty & we try to fill others cups the shame, guilt, resentment, frustration & judgement shows up rather than with the Intention of Love, Compassion, Kindness & Understanding.

So here I was desiring to build our businesses to help others while enjoying time with family and friends.  We had barely any money coming in, the back up plans I thought were in place came crashing down.  Each time I went to Do Plan B by working harder my angels decided to show me it was my time to learn how to just Be.  What that meant was Carpel tunnel flared up on right hand, got bit by a dog on Left hand (hard to drive, work, write & type in pain),  lower back locking up, stomach flare ups, Sciatic flare ups, etc... and it continued to happen like that each time I went to go back to working hard.   Each time I seemed to lose hope, get more depressed, anxious and thoughts of I'm not good enough, I'll Never be enough and no one even likes me or what I bring to the table anyway, why even go on.

What I know from 12 step rooms, counselors, energy medicine and all the things is...Happiness starts within...So I began the real work.   The work to release the blocks & thoughts holding me back, the work to change the thinking patterns in me that I believed & spoke those things to myself and others.  At that point I didn't know how to be any other way, the stuff I was told & told others, being hardcore coach & giving advice when I needed to listen to my own advice.  Over the years I had said the positive things to people and myself but just didn't feel it in me, I was going through the motions & not taking the time to do the Inner work.   In shear desperation as I was watching us lose everything Material wise, close to losing our home, didn't know how we were going to feed us and animals, the debt collector calls & threats and sheer desolation all alone because I didn't want to alarm my family.   We sat down as a family and began communicating about what was going on with me and why I had closed off.  I asked them for help with all this and while I was healing me so I could be there for them authentically with Love, Compassion, Kindness & understanding.

So I began doing the inner work Daily gratitude routine, affirmations, accountability partners(with love & compassion), Believing in me, doing AFT on a regular, Yoga on a regular and doing things that felt good to me.  I went on a journey of learning what really brings me Joy.   What I found was a plethora of beautiful things for joy and Love Best part is, they were Free, No excuses for appreciation and gratitude..   Speaking Love and encouragement in to myself.   Speaking to myself and others as I had longed for others to speak and be there for me.   And slowly but surely all those blocks began to shift and crumble.   Today I live a life I love, it's always unfolding in beautiful amazing ways.   One of the most rewarding for me was the shifts of thinking people only heard me when I was yelling and fierce, when actually most of us, close our ears & hearts when someone speaks to us that way.   So embracing and loving my Inner Dragon has led me to a place I may Listen, Speak and Hear with Love, Compassion, Kindness & Understanding, more & more.  I may not always do it with Grace, but I know I can admit I messed up, apologize and move forward while learning the lesson that showed up.   So thankful for the opportunity to be on this side and enjoying life more and more, no matter that challenges, lessons and blessings in life.    

Are you Ready to Embrace your Inner Dragon to live a life filled with more Love, Joy and Happiness than you ever Dreamed?    We are ready to link arms with those Ready to leave the Stinking thinking in the past and Love ourselves from the inside out.   We love and appreciate you Right where you are.   Thank you  

Are you Living a Life you Love?

When I started Dream building in the Summer of 2018, who knew I'd be living my Dream mornings.  I didn't, for sure!    I don't recall if I believed I could live a life I dream at that time.  I do recall knowing I had people that believed and I had seen transformations in others and had some Dreams come true for me.  I just didn't know how it could be everyday..  So I started doing the work anyway, it couldn't hurt and who knows where it could take me.   

When I started, I was in a Job I had been in for a long time and for a long time it wasn't working for my greater Mind, Body & Spirit Wellness.  I stayed in it after I no longer had the passion, love and desire to Do my Best.   Fear held me in it's grips as I was afraid of leaving a good paying job.  My Health had been declining more and more, I had no energy left for my family, friends and don't even think about Me time, that was out of the question, then.  My job and long commute took me away from home and family on lucky days 8 hrs, most days were 10 to 18 hrs a day depending.  Everyone else in our family, they were raising my first Big Dream come true, our then 8 year old daughter.  I am so thankful and grateful for all the family and friends that helped a long the way as we couldn't have done it alone.  The desire to be the one there and raising her, being more a part of her learning,blossoming and growing, grew & grew.  I had spoke of it and thought about it lot's of times before.  I love the people I worked with, they were awesome and we helped each other grow through some outstanding moments in life.  Thankful for those times and memories, I will always cherish that time of my life for the Lesson's and Blessings it was.

By the end of 2018, with tools and mentors to help me navigate the next part, I left my job/career and began the next piece to our Dreams.  At times it seemed too difficult and I wondered if I/We had made the right decision.  We have had many moments during all this time, we wondered and worried if we were going to make it.   I continued doing the work on my personal development, business development and focused on what was important to me and us as a family. 

This was a totally new concept for me at that time, as I had spent most my life doing for others to prove my worth & doing it at times, because I felt I had to.  I struggled in the beginning of the leap as I had started it with the old mindset I had and thought it was needed in some parts of my journey.   I lost contacts and connections with others for a bit, became very depressed and thought I had to Hustle to make it, rather than reaching out for help.  The first Year and half I was eating a lot of humble pie as I was more focused on hustling, rather than aligning.   I continued to do the work on me and focused on me.   At that time, that meant, understanding there were different truths for others and just because it's their truth, it may not be my truth.  Also learning everyone's unique truth is what makes us our beautiful unique awesome souls as individuals and those together are the full blessings.   So I spent that time learning more of what I love, what some of my family loves and incorporating more of that in our lives.   

Today was a beautiful day of realizing how far I have come and how far we have come as a family.   I woke up earlier than the house as usual, which I appreciate.   Them being lovers of sleep allows me time to focus on starting my day in a positive mindset with routines that work for me to get & stay in higher vibrations more often than not.   Most days I can get me time and the majority of my work day completed before the house wakes up.  I have asked before if they would love to wake up earlier to take a morning walk with the dogs and they both look at me, like, you know who we are, we love our sleep.  So I let it go as I appreciate and love them for them, plus bonus, if I choose, then it's more Me time, Yay

Today was different though, I got up early and went about my morning routine as usual.. I was enjoying my morning, listening to our wind chimes, watching the birds in the yard flutter around, taking in the blessings of the morning and Be in a place of complete gratitude.   As I was about to transition from me time to work time.   Jazz woke up, which occasionally happens but for a short time and then she's out, 10 yr olds, lol.   I was in the middle of a follow up email when she asked if we could go to Starbucks & then take the dogs for a walk.   Yes every now and then we treat ourselves to Starbucks as a reward.  I knew I had work to get done, but she then reminded me, I am my own boss. Out of the mouths of babes, lol.   I asked "Why don't I make us coffee and enjoy the morning here instead"
  Okay before the Parent's here freak out about kids and coffee.  When I make her coffee I make her kid coffee.  It's something I started with my godsons and niece decades ago  They were always very hyper active in the mornings and auntie needed a little more calm to have enjoy time with them,honestly.  Coffee & caffeine work differently for different people and kids.   So with parents permission I tried it and more times than not with the people in our life, it brought a little calm balance.  Kids coffee at our house is a little more than a splash of coffee, mixed with Milk, half & half or flavored creamer, mainly milk.   If they want it hot like mine, that meant they got warm milk & coffee at the same time.  I still believe the combo works for balancing me and others as well, but that's just me. 

So back to Dream morning, I made us our coffees & we took our mugs to the backyard.   We Enjoyed talking, sipping our coffee, watching the turtles and enjoying the blessings of the day.   When we finished our coffee, she wanted to go in, so she went her way and I went back to email, connections, working.& Yoga.   After a while of focused time, I got curious to see if she was awake.  She was and immediately asked to take the dogs for a walk.  Walking him daily as I know I should has been my own struggle as our boy out grew me in size fairly quickly so there's been fears, I needed to walk through.   When she asked, I decided to walk through a little more Fear.  I grabbed some Peace & Calming, applied it on me, wafted it through my energy field and then began petting him as I was putting his harness & the new collar on.   We headed out with the New collar attached & harness for back up.  The kitties were out front so he got a little more rambunctious in the collar than my comfort level allowed so we switched to harness & changed direction.   We enjoyed a beautiful walk talking and working with him, she made it playful and helps us grow in so many ways.   Who knew she could teach me more than I could teach her sometimes.   So thankful, I decided to take that leap and believe in me, in our family and our Dreams.  Our Dreams to help us and others believe in themselves more each day, making Feeling good Top priority matters, it truly does.   The more I feel good inside about myself the more I have to share, love and shine on others. 

If you have read this far you are a True Rock Star and you deserve to live the Life of your Dreams.   What makes your heart flutter and your energy soar?  Do you know?  Or are you like I was, doing for others so much, you forgot about what you loved and dreamed?   Finding yourself stuck in anxiety, depression, not good enoughs and negative self talk?   If you said yes to any of the questions above, thank you and welcome to our tribe.  You are loved and appreciated for who you are, where you are, as you are!!!  

Only request...You want to Be your Best version of you everyday
And of course the 3 golden rules in our world...Love, Compassion & Kindness for ourselves & all others.  
Where you are right now is right where you are supposed to be and it's A Okay.   I love you, We love you, You are Enough...Now Go out and Love yourself more and more each day, ti next time.  Peace & Purple

This is Me

This is Me

My journey had many challenges from as far back as I recall.   To say I am a Survivor is an understatement, we can get in more details as it comes up.  I learned Fight, Flight & Freeze as a survival response early, it ruled the majority of my life.   It showed up in many ways from Anger, Addictions, Self loathing, Narcissist behavior, Dis-Ease and so much more.  This led me on my own Personal Development journey that began over 30 years ago, when I made a promise to my Grandma.   The promise was to leave the streets & that way of life I was in behind.   I got to tell her before she passed I was in rehab and beginning the promise, I was 17 then. 


     It has been a long journey from there to where I am now, with many of it's own challenges while mastering myself along the way, including changing drug addiction to other addictions.   I spent 28 years doing everything I thought was the right thing to do, from reading books, to Dr's, Med's and so many modalities in between,  I did all the things, so I thought.   Then I found my bottle of Peace & Calming in Dec 2015, my Driver had me try way back in 2005, it calmed me with some easy deep breathes, just like it did back then.   I knew at that point I needed to Reach out to my now Sponsor and see what other shifts could happen for me.   It felt so good without any side effects, only benefits for my Mind, Body and Spirit.


At that time I had a Corporate job with a long commute, it kept me away from my Family & 5 y/o daughter, who is a Dream come True for me as I was told with my previous choices, I couldn't conceive or have a baby, full story another time.   I started learning, researching and using all the products, the more research I did, the more I enjoyed them and wanted to try more things & share with everyone.    What I found when I began this journey was a community of all kinds of people, doing their best to live and enjoy their best life, with the challenges along the way.   The community as a whole inspired me to take my Wellness to the next level but not before falling flat on my face first by thinking I knew it all, already. Yep I can admit that today.   I have Dreamed for decades of Running my own business and helping others, helping and serving others is another part of my promise to my grandma.   In 2018, my desires of spending more time with my family, taking better care of myself and family by being present and running my own company led me on a path of Self discovery that I will always be Thankful and Grateful for.  


My life is unrecognizable today and I am thankful for the amazing opportunity to share with others what has worked for me in this process and see how they may support them as well.   I believe together we R.I.S.E.

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