How are we navigating these times?

So if you noticed, there's a lot of Shifts happening for me, the Fam, teams and Businesses.  I am so excited about life today and it hasn't always been that way.  In fact when I took the leap of Faith a lil over 3 years ago I had a really Big Dream and No idea of How yet.   I sometimes love to put the cart before the horse, start pushing the cart myself, then find the horse and teams to move the cart more efficiently.


Well with the Dream, Business and Personal Brand, yep I did the same thing.   Thankfully I have some Got her Done skills that I have been able to use along this journey to keep enough funds coming in to give me the time to deep dive into learning more of What I love and want to share with the world.   I now get to enjoy more Quality family time, plenty of time for Personal development as it starts within me, time to nurture, guide and grow with those along the way ready to learn an easier way to Shift our own Shitake to enjoy more days.  We don't have to agree, we Can disagree with kindness, compassion and grace so we have and create a safe space to be authentic, vulnerable, real and raw. Some of us may not know what that is, I get it, I understand and Boundaries plus communication are key for sure.

As I Partner with more Beautiful Sisters & Brothers that are ready to invest in themselves. others and build an inclusive community of Humans ready to find Creative, Fun solutions to live more and more in Wellness., while creating a life you love to live your best life.  I am especially talking to those Mamas that are feeling frustrated, tired of feeling like doing all the right things, sometimes back n forth between procrastination and perspiration and yet there feels like something is missing.   You've heard about Self care & Wellness and with the chaos of life the Most important Me time, to Recharge & Reset is most likely last on the To Do List. 

Hi, that was me too, after so many times & years of being told and not being in the space to hear it with love, I realized the True importance, Yes, even as a Busy Working, Mama and all the chaos of life.  When I am not taking care of myself first and I decide to show up anyway.  The Mama that shows up, isn't always open to hear how others are feeling, may not even take the time to ask or care about finding out more.  Again I get it, I am / was you too and if I can shift it so can you.  Best part it's not about My way or the Me way, it's in the finding solutions so the We way so more of us, can find grow and share more of our Strengths rather than staying stuck in the weaknesses.

So Before I get in to writing a novel, when it’s a Blog, Bottom line for me, Change Begins in Me.   Not My Fam or Team, in me, I had to get my Mind right and in alignment with my Desires, I had to start being my own Best friend instead of my worst enemy, I meant it well, those that do it too, mean well as well.   Learning to give myself Love, Grace and Compassion while holding myself accountable for my actions and distractions, was key for My Shift and I am thankful.  

Until next time, please know you are Loved, you are Not Alone and We Can make the Shifts to Live a Life we Love waking up to.   I Believe in us and I Believe we can make Partner with and Invest in ourselves and all the people we are aligned to connect with along this Beautiful Journey of life.

BTW, Did you Hear?   I did a thing, I have 3 ways to shop for those Holiday Gifts for you and your Loved ones.  So my First as some of you know is Young Living and their Holiday Launch this year has some Great gifts and more.  Of course this way, has a lifestyle help option as well if you Feel invited, we love helping others navigate through it.  

Oils not your Thing, No Worries...We got You and your loved ones too.   What about Coffee, Leather, Jewelry and so much more...All with Fair wage and trade, Bonus we get to help send Women to Academy, Here is the Website to Check out, the Launch Party will be this Wellness Wednesday as I had the Desire to do this, last year during a Wellness Wednesday Mastermind.  If you’d love to be invited to the Launch Party to get us started, Respond here and let us know if you have any issues getting in.   Super excited to Share the Sseko Story this Wednesday, HERE.

Still not finding a unique gift, we have a 3rd option and that’s in our OG Shop with Fun, Sassy, Inspiration Designs and Quotes as well as Jewelry and more...This year I even started a Holiday Collection and another Collection for those that appreciate our EndoCannabinoid System.  

If you Feel invited, We love when people support our growing Small Family Business as Customers (Thank you), Sharing it out to People you think would love it (Thank you) or just by interacting on all the platforms to get us out there, Thank you..  I / We truly appreciate all the love and support as it allows us to Dream Bigger,  for us and all our loved ones to.   Thank you, this Dream is way Bigger than me and you too.

Pss...Don’t wanna Shop and your feeling called to get some Shitake Shifted in your Mind, Body, Spirit or Home, Click on the Contact me Button at and let’s do a 15 minute Consultation to see what is Possible.  If you love to keep informed make sure to click that you want to be in the Newsletter to stay up to date.   

Thank you, I appreciate you, I am Enough and You are too.  What am I grateful for each day and what Can I do today to bring me more love and joy in life in the Everyday?  See you next time.

Noticing the Shifts in me and our Family

Facebook Post from 3 years ago 

I guess the Right hand was lonely or something.    Almost 19 years @ UPS no Dog bites & yes I did go out of the office sometimes.  2 weeks of being a Business owner & got bit by a dog today.   Thankful it didn't get a tendon or need surgery.  It will heal glad I have some great options in my Wellness tool bag to boost my system & keep on keeping on

This definitely has to be a metaphor or something
Good morning. Enjoy your day 

Today is a better day

This was a big lesson of sometimes, I need to sit my A$$et$ down, Stop pushing and shoving through life, Breathe, Center, Align and Allow.  That ER Dr visit Cost me $175 of the $300 I had available at the time to be told, I cleaned and wrapped it, there was nothing more for them to do, unless I wanted the Antibiotics just in case of infection.  I said No thank as they don't do well in my body system, Thankful that was my last Dr visit and I feel healthier each and everyday.  That is a Miracle in itself as 20 years ago that wasn't the case, I'll save that for the next blog.

I did all the different things I knew as I needed my hands to work and create.   I was responsible for all the finances and couldn't work, no disability, no insurance, no edd, no way to physically bring in an income.   What the Fluff
Thus why I may have seemed so desperate in the beginning of this full time biz journey, I was, trying to convince everyone they needed it, because it's helped me so much and I know these opportunities can help others too.

 Then I started not Believing in my Dreams, sunk in to a deep depression off and on for a bit. I had forgot the main reasons I took the leap of Faith was for more quality Family & tribe time having fun, encouraging each other to be better, judgement, shame & blame free having a desire to live a life we love while inspired for more Inner Peace, Joy, Love, Laughter and yep Happily ever after.  ðŸ’œðŸ’œðŸ’œ

If I and us 3 as a Family can learn Self Love, Self regulation, Self control, Self awareness, Self management and all the things that guide and empower each individual soul, anyone can.  

Are we perfect in it, Fluff no, it's been a shift for me to go from Know it all Martyr mom (yep I was even an auntie, coworker, friend, partner like that b4 being a mom) and they didn't feel safe opening up & being vulnerable with me til the shift to Authoritative listening creative solutions mom, wife, friend, coach, etc...again not perfect I'm a work in progress and today I am proud of that and so much gratitude and grace for the path I'm on.

Bottom line I was burnt out, frazzled, unfocused, blaming everyone and everything outside of me and I had a Dream.   Change Begins in Me.

Thankful we found some creative $$ solutions so I could heal & deep dive as I was already with my first coach Lauren of The Soul Savvy Community and I continue doing the work as it's a process to peel the layers, to be more auhtentically Soul Savvy

I also added a business coach Martha of 7 Figures From Home with Martha Krejci as I knew what I wanted and need help getting there, I love and appreciate her heart centered approach to business strategy.   No neener neener as we are all Winner Winner Chicken Dinners.  I'm thankful for finding communities and partners in Believing.  

Together we can Rise to Be our Best selves and families, With Love, Compassion and Grace we've made it this far and shooting for the Moon

Thankful. Grateful. Blessed. 

I needed to step back and regroup

I got off track on these blogs for a bit as I needed to focus on Family and Me Time to get Grounded and Centered for me.  I found myself in old patterns of Saying Yes, when I really meant No.  I thought doing for others was more important than me and how I was feeling.  And if I asked for help to walk through a No, it was the right thing to do.   Btw, it was not, in fact it was my biggest lesson this year and let me just say 2021 has had some doozies for me and us, for sure.
I am so thankful for all the lessons and blessings that life has to offer on a Daily basis.  I have struggled with finding, loving & being myself for far too long.  I am thankful and grateful for Tam & Jazz as they help me navigate the art of communication, unconditional love, listening with compassion, hearing & speaking with an open mind and heart while giving grace so I am here in the present.  When you have had as many traumas as I have had and continued to have with judgements, jokes & riducule from others, up until now I took them personally.  
Change Begins in Me...
Today I know that's not mine to own, it took a long time to get here.   And because of that I stay in my lane and work on the lessons for me, owning my part and letting others learn in their time.   Does it mean I do it perfect, Fluff No.  Life is Imperfectly Imperfect and so are We.  We can't do better until we know better.   It doesn't feel good to me anymore to be a part of or stuck in the Blame, Shame, Guilt trip, gossip game.   It feels so much better to me, to own my Shitake and let others do the same.  If we can and choose to help each other walk through it with more Love, Grace and Compassion awesome, it's an amazing journey thus far and I look forward to the Shifts and Gifts Daily.   Btw Abundance flows in so many more ways than just the $$$ and the Blessings are so much more Priceless than I ever imagined.   Truly Thankful on this gorgeous Thursday.  All this was to say I am going back to my original blogs about the Designs, the journey and the shifts behind them so I can share more of my journey with you.  I share so others may learn, so maybe just maybe someone else doesn't have to take the longer harder road.   We are all Unique depending on our experiences something that works for me, may not work for you, that's okay, let's find something that does.    My geek out moments are personal development and finding what can work, finding Fun Creative Sustainable Solutions for everday What the Fluffs, Can make life even in the Freaking Chaos a lil Better.   From the Better Shift we Can find more possibilities and solutions.   I Believe in all of us, I Believe we Can do all the things we Love and that Feel good to us.   It may not look the same to me as it does to you and it still Can be Right for We.   Why do I say that, because the 3 of us in this house prove it on a regular basis and it works for us.  It feels so much better than how we were showing up for each other until we began our journey.  For me it started 8 years ago, the next big step was 7 years ago and each year Since receiving this home as the opportunity it was.   I was a Single mom as Tam and I were friends, helping each other through life and building a foundation of trust and unconditional love.  Each year after has brought even more steps to where we are now. Enjoying Being Present for each other, Thankful we make the time.   It's not always easy and yet each day it proves to be so worth it, individually and as a family.

Btw, Did you see my last blog?   Totally forgot to email it and share.   If I can start the process of how I am showing up for me and my family, anyone can.  We just have to be ready to do the hard work of looking within, finding the lessons and stopping the patterns that have followed so many of us.  We create whatever patterns we want in our lives and Eliminate by releasing those we want less of.   We Can Do it, we may not be able to directly help people, however, indirectly Shifts can happen for Even better, when holding Space even if from afar with Love, Grace and Compassion.   Thankful, Grateful, Blessed

BTW, Do you Resonate as a Femme?   Did you hear about the diverse Butch Femme Community many of us are a part of?  I'd love to share more and have more involved if it you'd love to be a part, the Retreat (In Person or Virtual) is Next Month October 25 to 27th and right now there is a Silent Auction for awesome items that help fund part of the event.  Let me know if you'd love more info.

Either way enjoy your Day in your Best way.

Are We Creating a Life we love or Dealing with the hand were Dealt

So I am sitting here wondering how to start this after that Title..   I thought 3 years ago I was creating my life with everything I was doing at the time, the workshops, the events, the daily stuff, I was supposed to do for all the things.  After the last 3 years of Shifts, Changes, Lessons and Blessings, I can say I was Dealing with the hand I was dealt and doing the best I could with what I was given and exhausted.

When I started working with Mentors to help me Shift my stinking thinking about life as I was exhausted from trying to help others while depleting myself.   I meant well, I always do and yet I was causing more harm to myself and those I loved more than I knew.  I had a lack of communication in some areas as it wasn't in a helpful manner.   Teamwork makes the Dreamwork I always believed in and yet I lacked the full communication skills to make it work as my own FEAR of my reaction to others and Not Feeling Good Enough would creep in.

With so many lessons in the last year of I create my own reality I have realized so much including that my thoughts (our thoughts) around things Create our Reality and what we Receive and how that momentum can either Catapult us in to a life we Love and say of course that happened or a Why the Fluff is this all happening to me all the time.   We bring whatever we think about into our reality, neither good nor bad it just is.  

If I think & tell someone it is a certain way or how to be, that's what will end up being.   When I notice what I am noticing, Shift my Thoughts to what I would Love.   Guess what, that happens to, what we focus on we bring more of.  

Silly big Family learning example was Last Sunday, I started doing laundry after putting it off since we got back. Yep lol  So the laundry was a big pile in our kitchen.  I did thankfully notice it was leaking before doing a second load & it finished the first load.    I checked it out to see if it was anything I could fix & found out nope.  Now the old Crystal would have Freaked cause that could hurt a pocketbook, anybody feel me on that.   I'm Frugal and They can be expensive, even used.  

So I let Tam know and we decide, nope not gonna panic.   We know some tips about things as that's how I thrived during the first part of Single parenthood, thankful.  So We talk about what we'd love, a Top load Washer, that no longer scares us on loads, lol.  No matter how many times we've replaced them with Used, something was a lil scary about each one, lol.  We are always thankful & yet they had their own personalities you could say.  

So we talk to Jazz and ask her wanna see how to do something you desire with a lil more ease & fun rather than Rushing to Get Her Done?   She was skeptical and still game, so we talked a lil about what each one wanted, no specific brands or anything like that just like White to match the other appliances, quiet, top loader and then Let it go.  No worries, no stress on the How's, in the knowing, it'll be there as we wanted, in our price range and in Divine timing.  We asked her to give us 2 weeks and the Key now is to focus on the things we Love, that bring us our daily happiness, while going about doing the rest of our lives in our Best life and we head off to bed. 

So Tam heads to work the next day and goes about her morning like usual and if you know her, that's her Zone & Happy place is working and Helping people.   I love and appreciate her Heart Space.   Then the morning goes by and she feels like calling and checking to see if there were any floor models that matched what we needed & no rush, keep an eye out.  And I kid you not, they had one come in, the right size, the right price & we picked it up after Tam was off work, Easy Peasy Lemon Squeezy.  

When we switched it out, we opened it and there was an owners manual.  This is a Y'all moment...Y'all I am 48 and have not seen an owners manual in a washer, for real.   That may sound funny to some and yet it means so much, I was always raised to Save money wherever and however, work hard, push hard and do whatever it takes to get the job done.  Too many times that ways and beliefs took hard tolls on my body, mind and spirit and left me inflamed, enraged and engaged.   

I truly am thankful for the beautiful people on my path that showed me ways to find my ease and flow of life.  It’s not a one and done, it’s a daily process and for that I am thankful.  I started this blog full of gratitude already for this week and so many shifts for the good in our lil Family and growing community, tribe and so much more than I hoped for.

  I was finishing this blog after enjoying a Beautiful day at the Giants vs Dodgers Game, where I thankfully enjoyed the day with all the lessons and blessings.  There was a time I had to step away from everyone and say no to things as I didn’t feel safe, I was having too many triggers to process and ground and it exhausted me.   

Today I am thankful for continuing to do the work for me to Feel Good Enough more and more and I love and appreciate different ways I use to do just that.  With the 3 Main things I Believe in, Change Begins in Me and Mindset, Motivation and Movement matter for overall Wellness in Mind, Body, Spirit...What would I love my life to feel like?  And So much more.   

I am grateful for the growing community we have in Partners in Believing, it’s not just about positivity, we have to do the work to see what the lesson is for us, not anyone else.  No one can fix me and I can’t fix anyone else, however, together We CAN help each find different ways to find our best overall wellness for Sure.

The funniest part of this blog is, it will be continued as more has been revealed since I did this blog and forgot to hit the Publish Button.  I love the lessons in life and learning to honor the Pause needed by all of us at times, it's taught me Self Compassion and Self Love, Thankful for the Shifts for me and my Family.   See you on the next blog.

Did you know we have 2 weekly check ins on Zoom?  We share stories to help support each other during these times and beyond, with safe space, openness, encouragement, empowerment, love and grace with Compassion and Kindness for where we are and who we are as unique individuals.   Thankful for the Space and Accountability with Grace while finding our individual solutions for our Best Lives

Kicking off Our 7 Day Challenge...Moving Our A$$et$ together. It Means Moving My A$$et$ too

Today I am sitting here, getting things set up and ready ahead of time so that I am still present for all of you, while enjoying the Present Time with My Family on our Road Trip from Pittsburg, CA to Clinton, TN.   Some of you may or may not know this has been a Dream in so many ways since I was a kid.   My Teacher had us Read & Watch Where the Red Fern Grows & Summer of Monkeys.  I wanted to see and smell the Ozarks and the Smoky Mountains.   It grew over the years of traveling across country and seeing the States and the Beauty Nature brings.

It increased over the years as I grew up listening to all Genres of Music from Country & Dolly Parton to Hip Hop, Rock, Pop and all the in Betweens including KLove.   Music has changed and shifted over the years and moods for me.   But Something about Dolly, Reba, Loretta, Travis and Country Music speaks to my soul.  The stories the challenges the life lessons & blessings and again all the in betweens.   So I added of Course a visit to Dollywood and feeling the Music of the Mountains.   Music is a big piece of my journey and my path, I use music to help me process, release and of course bring more Fun, Movement and Joy to me and those around me.

Which brings us to Now and this Trip, which is thankfully and gratefully another Dream come true and the Best Part.   It's with the 3 Girls that give me My Biggest Why and the Reason I continue my own Personal Development Journey, My Wife and the Flower Girls, I want a better life for them and all of us.   One filled with more Love, Grace and Understanding.   One where less people feel Embarrassed& Alone and More people feel Safe & Free to Be Authentic, even and especially when we are different.   Listening and Sharing with more Kindness, Love and Grace to Understand each other rather than Force each other to be the same.   
EEEeeewwww, how freaking boring would life be if everyone looked, dressed, spoke and did the same things day in and day out.   Do you Recall the movie Stepford Wives, if that's something that you want, Awesome, you do you boo.   That's scary and uncomfortable to me, just saying.    

We Can help ourselves and each other find our own way on our Wellness Journey.  So Freaking Thankful for Ways We Can do more things.   It started with the Shift in Mindset, being more aware of my thoughts, actions and things, rather than being hypersensitive to those around.  It's a process to release the Survival mode and Begin to Thrive in the Love and Acceptance of Life.    

I will do my best to forward the Great information we have for Summer and this Month, so many ways to make better choices for us, our families & Communities.   See you Real Soon on FB, IG, Tik Tok, Pinterest or YouTube, There Should be a Premiere Video Tonight, we'll see how Tech and me play today.

Btw this Video Crystal Aroma Creations  is me getting ready to head out on a Dream & get back to doing what I love more and more. Thankful, Grateful & Blessed

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