
My Daily Affirmations, Why are they important you may be asking.  I know I asked as I had been an impulsive skeptical Aries when I started all of this Shifting for me.  I had been told by so many at that point all my wrongs (Meant with Love & Felt in Fear), so much so I couldn't even see what was right for me.  I know I am not alone in that either.  So many of us struggle with it and share our thoughts and such with love intentions and yet some like me are too hurt at times to feel the Love, instead it's felt as judgement and ridicule.  I own my part today as I have done it as well in my own clumsiness of life.  And it's up to me to Shift it for the greater good for me and all our loved ones.

I know I wasn't taught communication, connection, healthy boundaries and coping skills these are things I get to learn, implement, process, adjust & figure out for me to feel better inside and out, for me as well as Jazz, Tam and all our Family.   I love learning and growing, so I am consistently finding new things to reach for and I love sharing it with our Team.  I am thankful for all of us and the Shifts we are making in and for our own Families.   Bottom Line for me especially is Love Wins and it starts within...Change Begins in Me.

I am far from perfect and today I don't choose to be, I know who I am today and I am proud of all I have accomplished thus far and enjoy everyday seeing What else is possible.  None of my Best life happened when I was caught up in the Can'ts, Shouldas, Wouldas, What ifs, Hows, Why'd this happen to me, Why do they do this to me or any of the other things that go through my mind when I get caught up in my OC(Old Crystal) thinking and Forget who the Fluff I am, Who we all are.   We all came here with our own light, indivual gifts and Unique Beauty, I love being a part of the Lifting each other up, listening, hearing and finding solutions for Our individual Best outcomes and lives.   

If you'd love some guidance, let's chat to see what could work for you or join the group From Dis-Functioning to Fun-ctioning Families.   I do my best to provide a lot of information and opportunities to remind us of what relates and let go what doesn't.  I's our Personal Freedom to Choose what's Best for Our Mind, Body, Spirit & Home, I am an Advocate for sure on that.   Thankful, Grateful and Blessed to continue to work with, network with, connect with and grow with so many Beautiful Souls with a common goal of achieving our Best Selves for ourselves and Families.   Shifting From Dis-Functioning to Functioning Families, If we can so Can you.  Love, Kindness, Grace, Compassion, Communication and Forgiveness are healthy tools for again Ourselves and Loved ones.   If you're thinking what about accountability and responsibility for Behaviors and Actions, that's the Best part it is Personal Accountability while learning Self regulation with more Fun & Ease.   

The more priceless part for me has been my wellness feels good on me and get's better and better.   All of it is by making adjustments for My Overall Mind, Body, Spirit & Home Wellness shifting my home to mostly toxin free, less clutter and feels better and better, it's a personal process and journey.   Let's find it together, as together is better.   I would love for all of us to know how special we truly are, just because we get to wake up today.   Such an awesome Gift it is and even in the everyday being Present to enjoy it, especially the lil things.

Okay that's Enough for now of my Rant or Rave however we perceive.   Just know I love you, Thank you and We are not alone.  I know for me it's in my ego, pride, shame, blame & guilt trip train that I felt and occasionally feel the loneliness and separation set in and as I give myself more love, grace and compassion I am more open to share more out to those I love.

Choose Create a Great Day


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