Yes Purple is my favorite Color for many reasons, Yes my name is Crystal & Yes 3:33 is the time we got married thus becoming our Family of 3. However it goes much deeper than that for me and it includes the Self Love and acceptance I am finding along our Journey as a Family.

Crystal is a Crystal Clear stone that is Beautiful for releasing the negative parts of Perfection. Life is Imperfectly Imperfect and so are most things. Every Crystal is Unique with it’s own Cracks, Minerals, Flaws & Imperfections which makes up the Entire Beauty of Every Unique Crystal just like us Humans.

Change Begins In Me, is a Shift in my perspective. To enjoy the life I have while exploring the desire for more. It's an inside job to feel good. I am thankful we have many modalities to choose from to create the life, I love waking up to.