Happy November & where did 2022 go?

Happy Holly Day Season.  Where did Summer and almost Fall go?  Anyone else feel like that too?  I realized when November came and We didn't even take the time to decorate for Halloween except for the Candy Cauldron, it's time to take some Woosah time.

For me that doesn't always mean I get to do absolutely nothing.  It means I make the time to reevaluate what's truly important.  What would I and we Truly want more of in our lives.  What can I and we do with what I have, where I am to do more of what we love and less of what we don't.  All while supporting a balance for our Best Mind, Body, Spirit and Home. These are things I personally work through and I appreciate the ones that I get to work through with as well.  I love watching us all grow and shine in to our Best.  Laughing, smiling, navigating, shifting and making the most out of the Gift of life, each and every day.

That being said, sometimes we just got to do stuff for the fun of it.  So I did, I did something I've longed to do, advised to do and just wasn't ready.  TBH, it could have been all bad for my mental wellness I lacked the confidence and belief in my true authentic self, back then.   Today, If you haven't heard I entered the Fab over 40 Contest just for the fun of it, to get out of my comfort zone and see what was possible.  Y'all to say that I am grateful and humbled is an understatement, more like speechless.  Right now I am 4th in my group and made it in the Top 10 voting Thursday for Top 5.   Thank you if you already know about this and are Voting.  The Grand prize could truly bless our family and give a much needed Spa-cation too.  Great part is if you choose to do Hope votes they go to National Breast Cancer Foundation.  And if not, no worries there is Free voting every 24 hrs.  Thank you again to all who are sharing, voting and got me here.  Truly couldn't do it without you.  The Final Vote is December 15th...Who knows what's possible.

Btw last few things, New Creations out in the main Shopping site, updating Crystal Aroma Creations, Designs and Crystal Aroma Babies ongoing.  You can check those out if you like here  Even a lil something for my fellow Die hard Giants Fans, with some humor.

If you didn't know, Yes Yes Yes I am still with Young Living and my lifestyle is mainly YL products with a balance for the budget.  If you would love to know more and of course join the team as a customer or brand partner more is always merrier.   We have our monthly YL Q&A where we share & ask the questions to support our lives our best way.  The links for my favorites can also be found on the main site by clicking on Shop My Favorite YL Oils Links  If not no worries

As always I hope you have a fabulous Day and weekend.  The next scheduled in person will be in Brentwood at the Legion on December 3rd, will let you know if more are scheduled.  Hope everyone enjoys their Holiday season.

Make it a Great Day


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