Through the birth of Jazzy in 2010 and moving into our home now, she's always by one of our sides. In 2014 she decided she was done being a gypsy dog & made it known she found her permanent home and thus began the next phase of our lives. We officially made US, a family on May 21st, 2016, where she made sure she was a part of, no matter what we did. Her family and a party were going on, so since the area was open, we attempted to block her off. It didn’t matter what we tried she always wants to be a part of, she even walked me down the aisle and came back with us across the broom. During the leap of Faith we took as a Family to shift from Money driven to Heart centered businesses, while growing our tribe and community, She is loved by all who meet her. The pretty pretty lil pity that she is, she smashes FEARs, with how deep she loves and especially her kids that need the extra loves. Always ready to give kisses and snugs NOW we are finding she’s the one that needs them the most.

In late September she took a fall on our dog ramp that brought us to a Vet, where we found out she has Bone cancer & tumors, they were not sure how far it went. Originally they thought amputation may help and then we realized it had spread. So the DR’s prescribed Heavy painkillers and Anti inflammatories to make her comfortable and we started prepping to help her to the Rainbow Bridge.
On Halloween morning when we woke up she had spunk & fight back. So I spoke to the Vet to advise & discuss adding more Natural alternatives and looking in to ways to support her on this journey as there were positive changes made. Thus brings us to this Holiday guide, I’ve always wanted to do one and yet I didn’t want to do it like everyone else as we aren’t everyone else. We love sharing our shop, our world, our lifestyle and all the parts of our businesses like a Family with all the Real things and without the hype. So that’s a little about why we are doing this guide, we need our communities' help.. Getting the word out about PurpleCrystal333 whether it’s our Fun & Sassy Designs shop, our Handwrapped with Love Jewelry & Customs or our Oily team, these are the things that allow me to work from home to care for her, while homeschooling our daughter, helping other parents as they need and facing our demons to grow as a beautiful family that thrives with and alongside our tribe We Believe in building our Dreams together as the Beautiful Boss Beaches we are, Encouraging & Empowering Accountability partners for Love, Compassion, Kindness and Understanding. Together WE R.I.S.E to our Best versions each and every day
We had so much fun with our Birthday celebration and Holiday Roll out. Gave beautiful pieces away to 3 Lucky people. Thank you for all your love and support, we appreciate you, with you our Family business grows. Our Holiday Guide is available NOW HERE and will be updated with New items, events and Roll out Weekly.