Good Day to all you Beautiful souls

Today as I am writing this it’s Thursday and I am very thankful for who I am, where I am as a Human, a Personal Brand and growing expanding company.  It’s funny to me as yesterday was my 30 year anniversary of the first day of making me and my recovery priority.   The day before I had went back to my old life for help with my van & thought I was strong enough to be around my old friends who I had to leave for me to get clean and off the streets.   I was getting my van fixed to make it to my sponsors wedding & reception with recovering people.  I felt so much guilt & shame around what happened and then after I shared what happened and came clean about starting over on Day 1.  I vowed, I was more than who I was. I have to do whatever is necessary to keep that Back in the day, Back in the Day.   It’s been a long journey from then to now.

One of the biggest moments and pivot points from then til now is our Mom's Dream.  Mom wanted a log cabin in the woods and at the time, where they were, my not the momma told her...When Pigs Fly.  My mom really wanted it and held that Dream in the corner of her heart and thoughts, not knowing how it would happen, just believing it would.   That was in the 90’s, in the early 2000’s they received the property through a family friend in their price range.  They met a beautiful couple that sold Log cabins and again it just so happened to be obtainable, they broke foundation in Winter of 2005 and by the Summer of 2006.   Us, Family & Friends were putting up trim, walls, beginner decks and roof and then keeping up with the maintenance and continuing movement forward. 

There’s been many Beautiful friends and family who have helped along the Journey for that I am truly thankful and grateful.   The awesome stories of Fun, love, blood, sweat, tears, laughter, hard work, lessons and Blessings, truly Priceless...   

I am sharing this story as they started talking about the next step of their Dream of leaving the Bay and moving to the cabin Full time about 3 years ago.   When that happened I was in the next shift of creating our Dreams of our Family business and had started designing Shirts.   I designed this one for them and us as the reminder that when we hold a Dream in our Heart with Love and Grace it will be ours and Dreams Do Come True.   

Today as I write this we are in the final stages of moving them out of the Bay and on to their Dreams, a cabin in the woods, surrounded by beautiful nature, friends and a life they can enjoy together.   Creating and playing as much as they can.  I am so happy for them and love that we have been a part of their journey.  Looking forward to pictures and postcards of their many adventures to come.  Thanks for teaching us How to Dream, now it’s time for them to Live theirs. Wishing them many Blessings a long the way, taking the time for more joy in the Present and celebrating all they have been there done that,  thus far.   We Love you and Hope you Love every moment and Create many more Beautiful memories.     

If you'd Love one too Awesome, click here.   Who would love to see this Design on a Mug in Honor of The Hard work, Lessons and Blessings of their Journey?   Who would love to see an update, a lot has changed since this pic?

Have you heard about all our March Events and all the ways we are supporting our Teams, Tribe and Families...Omg I am so thankful and grateful for the life I live today.  I am glad I get to share it with all of you and I am looking forward to many more moments, memories and miracles.  If you’d love to Join in the Fun...Check out our Hardcore & Heart Centered Caretaker Souls Group on FB, Ready to Rise with us in your Side Gig to Main Gig, Jump in our Messenger to see if our Beautiful Boss Beaches Group is Right for you, we are on Day 11 of Side Gig to Main Gig, doing what we love, serving our Families and Communities.   Thank you for being here, looking forward to seeing you on Zooms.  

Here's the Link to Save for Easy access to Links and events, we update regularly, Do you have an awesome gift or talent you would you love to Share with our Tribes, we are all over Wellness a Healthier lifestyle with Shifting your Shitake, Cause that's the Bottom line, Fun & Sassy Designs, Crystal & Aroma Creations, Rehoming, Repurposing and Reigniting the Dreams in others that have lost the umphh and sometimes hope Dreams Do Come True.   I and We are here to say, They Do and they can continue to come true, when we align with our passions our desires and our Inner Peace and Joy it Can be done with more Fun & Ease rather than Harsh Dis-Ease.   Change Begins in me and it does in you too.  I Believe in you and it's worth doing the work, it is for me and so many others.   Thank you for your time, I appreciate you and look forward to sharing even more.   

Who loves a Virtual and In person Garage Sale?  If you know me I could go on and on, lol   For now, know I Love you , We love you, You're HP loves you and You are Enough as you are, right where you are today and everyday.   What are you Choosing everyday to get closer to a Life you Love to Live Everyday...Yep even doing chores and work.


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