Today I am sitting here, getting things set up and ready ahead of time so that I am still present for all of you, while enjoying the Present Time with My Family on our Road Trip from Pittsburg, CA to Clinton, TN.   Some of you may or may not know this has been a Dream in so many ways since I was a kid.   My Teacher had us Read & Watch Where the Red Fern Grows & Summer of Monkeys.  I wanted to see and smell the Ozarks and the Smoky Mountains.   It grew over the years of traveling across country and seeing the States and the Beauty Nature brings.

It increased over the years as I grew up listening to all Genres of Music from Country & Dolly Parton to Hip Hop, Rock, Pop and all the in Betweens including KLove.   Music has changed and shifted over the years and moods for me.   But Something about Dolly, Reba, Loretta, Travis and Country Music speaks to my soul.  The stories the challenges the life lessons & blessings and again all the in betweens.   So I added of Course a visit to Dollywood and feeling the Music of the Mountains.   Music is a big piece of my journey and my path, I use music to help me process, release and of course bring more Fun, Movement and Joy to me and those around me.

Which brings us to Now and this Trip, which is thankfully and gratefully another Dream come true and the Best Part.   It's with the 3 Girls that give me My Biggest Why and the Reason I continue my own Personal Development Journey, My Wife and the Flower Girls, I want a better life for them and all of us.   One filled with more Love, Grace and Understanding.   One where less people feel Embarrassed& Alone and More people feel Safe & Free to Be Authentic, even and especially when we are different.   Listening and Sharing with more Kindness, Love and Grace to Understand each other rather than Force each other to be the same.   
EEEeeewwww, how freaking boring would life be if everyone looked, dressed, spoke and did the same things day in and day out.   Do you Recall the movie Stepford Wives, if that's something that you want, Awesome, you do you boo.   That's scary and uncomfortable to me, just saying.    

We Can help ourselves and each other find our own way on our Wellness Journey.  So Freaking Thankful for Ways We Can do more things.   It started with the Shift in Mindset, being more aware of my thoughts, actions and things, rather than being hypersensitive to those around.  It's a process to release the Survival mode and Begin to Thrive in the Love and Acceptance of Life.    

I will do my best to forward the Great information we have for Summer and this Month, so many ways to make better choices for us, our families & Communities.   See you Real Soon on FB, IG, Tik Tok, Pinterest or YouTube, There Should be a Premiere Video Tonight, we'll see how Tech and me play today.

Btw this Video Crystal Aroma Creations  is me getting ready to head out on a Dream & get back to doing what I love more and more. Thankful, Grateful & Blessed


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