Hello Beautiful souls,
Happy Aloha Friday, I lost the blog I started yesterday, forgot to hit the Save draft, my bad. My frustration in the oops had me blocked after that, so my apologies for delay. When I created this design I was in another transitional time in my life and businesses. I had been struggling in all areas and when I reached out to the YL community as a whole, I found hope, love & grace which was exactly what I needed. So many times in the last 5 years while finding my best Health & Wellness path, the YL Community has been an amazing resource to guide & point me in the right direction. For that I am thankful and grateful as I found a community that was inclusive and willing to help me find My Best Me with compassion, love & grace.
I was and I am so excited about the full opportunity YL has given to me that I wanted to help others find their Best path as well. Especially at that time, I was in extreme Introvert mode. So I created this to help me & our team, out of the comfort zone and into the conversation service zone with a lil more ease. Shirts with sayings for me help me speak & interact with others, in humour & love. I need that at times to help me stay connected and especially back then as I lacked the confidence to speak up & reach out even if it could help.
So much has changed for myself, family & team since I received my first bottle of Peace & Calming back in Peak of 2005, another big transitional time of my life. It took me a long time to realize the full value of that bottle of Love. I am glad I did and now I have way more opportunities to support my Body, Mind & Spirit in my journey of Health & Wellness.
It’s been quite the adventure for sure. Who knew when I made that call, 5 years later I’d be living more of a life I dream, finding my passions, releasing traumas & triggers with ease, helping others find their passions & purpose, supporting family, team & communities in so many more healthier ways. And all the things expanding my skills along the way from KAY Yoga Certification, Reiki II Practitioner, Many workshops on AFT, tons of Business training, Masterclasses in Business, in Personal Development and so much more. I had started using EFT in Feb 2015 & continue to use it alongside Essential oils to help myself & those interested to find ways to begin their own healing journey. Most of all I found Hope of a better way to Live & Be, life doesn’t have to be hard all the time, that’s the Biggest Gift I found when I decided to invest in myself and my well being. Change Begins in Me and Shift your Shitake, cause that’s the bottom line are phrases I & We say as it really does, no one else can do it for me and I can’t do it for anyone else. We have to take & invest the time in ourselves to find our Best life, what’s right for me could be wrong for you, what’s right for you could be wrong for me and it’s okay. If we want out of the insanity of the groundhog day life, we have to want something more and take the actions to make the changes in ourselves. We can’t change anyone else or outside circumstances. We can only change & account for ourselves, our reactions & our emotions. Which is awesome as it gives us the opportunity to change our perspectives on life and therefore change our reactions & responses to life. I am worth it, You are worth it and We are all worth it. I know for me, how I show up for me first, matters. I used to think I had to show up first and just deal with what was dealt, keeping busy, putting me on the back burner and pushing through life. What I have learned is when I show up for me first, I can then show up whole, full cup as my best self and see the world as a whole with more love, grace & compassion in the knowing we are all doing the best we can in any given moment. But for the Grace there go I. We can’t do better until we know better, then and only then can we choose to Be Better, it’s a choice we all have. I choose to feed, tend and grow the light in me more while healing the darkness in me along the journey. What I give out comes back 3 fold, time & time again my life has shown me this simple yet profound statement in good & bad ways by what I gave. If I want more love, I give more love, honesty give more, abundance give more, more action give more, if we want more whatever give more of it. We are here for a Reason and a Purpose and I love helping others find theirs too, especially our hardcore heart centered caretaker souls, grumpy & exhausted from taking care of everyone else first and forgetting to fill our cups. We are worth it, how we show up matters, life can be what we choose create each day. How are you going to show up for you each day? Check out the Video I made for Freaking Fluffing Affirmations and see how it feels to you. See you next week. I love & appreciate you.

Starting even further back than the First picture in the main image, in 2005 I was in a stress filled job, marriage & life, I was over 200lbs and filled with Dis-Ease throughout my Mind, Body & Spirit. Just like back then, in 2019 I found myself Doing it again, doing all the things everyone else said was right for me, as I thought I was Not Good Enough to make Good decisions. From then til now took a lot of Inner Shadow work and Releasing, it is an ongoing process of learning, growing, sharing and loving myself & others as I always Longed & Desired for me. I am an Aries and for most my life I jumped on impulse & reaction especially if it felt like I was rebelling or saving. In this journey so many times in my quick actions in the moment without the pause, I barreled over places, things and people that were heart centered and I couldn’t see at the time, when I was caught up in the Race of Life, thinking I didn’t have time to Pause & Meditate, when that’s exactly what I needed most. I learned, when I take the time for me to honor and love myself more, the joy and happiness started showing up more in my life. I found when I got caught up in pushing harder, working harder, desperation of not being enough and doing everything for everyone but me, I was depleted Mind, Body, Soul, Spirit in Family, Friends and Community, I forgot about me, up until now. In 2019 I started doing a lot of looking back to learn the lessons so I could move forward with my Dreams, the reason I took the leap of Faith, the whole Belief in PurpleCrystal333. What I realized was, the feelings I had, stemmed back from unresolved & unreleased traumas, triggers, fears & survival mode, so that meant I had Inner work to do. For me the Desire to be Living a Dream while Building a Heart Centered Business and Brand for myself, family and loved ones, Seasoned & New are Worth it and the other souls that Feel this way too are Worth it. Because I know Deep in my heart if we are willing to do the Inner Work, have the Hard Conversations with Love, Grace & a Safe Space, We CAN Release the Shitake that held us back from BEing & LIVEing our Own Best Lives from our Heart Centers. Instead of roaring back at us, them & the world, taking a pause…
What would we need if it were us & What would Love do in this moment?
The Rising Phoenix symbolism isn’t a one and done symbol. It symbolizes the many times I have burned to the ground in my beliefs and actions and no matter what I Rise from those Very Ashes and Soar like the Unique and Gorgeous Phoenix that I am.
If this resonates with you, find the courage & valor in you to invest in you...3 Days, 7 Days, 28 Days, 7 Weeks whatever you choose, each and every day for what you CAN Commit to for you.
Take the time to Wake up in Gratitude to start the Day, take 5 to 15 Mins 3 times a Day to Celebrate You (Your Choice) Meditation, Yoga, Dance, Affirmations, Singing, Napping, Gaming (What Brings you Joy, Confidence, Peace & Inner Quiet?), Notice throughout your day thoughts, things & actions that bring you more Fun & Ease rather than Worry & Dis-Ease and at the end of the Day, end with Gratitude & Release of all the challenges, worries & fears so Lessons Can be learned with more Love & Grace. Learning our lessons and allowing others the Love & Grace to do the same. I know for me, the more Gratitude I have and the more I Re-Lease to Live more Ease, Life shows me how I can Live & Share my Dream. Thank you.
I’d love to hear if you choose to try this and see how it feels for you. I love hearing how others find ways to bring more Love, Grace, Joy and Fun back into the Everyday, it’s not just for Vacations, Days off, Retirement and Weekends.
Btw, for me it was a Bonus to add different Essential oils to my routine to Support & Level it up even more, either way, you find and Be your Best, Every Day.
Wowzers, that was a lot more than I thought I was going to Write, Thank you for Reading, Supporting and Guiding me on this journey. I love you, I appreciate you, You are Enough and You are Fabulous Because you are.
Did you hear about the Challenge I have for us right now & there’s a Giveaway for 1 lucky person that invests in them by March 31st, 2021.

Reminder for me and our Loved ones to learn how to Enjoy life more & more with Gratitude, Forgiveness, Love and Grace. Starting within and sharing that without to our Loved ones and the World.
Do & Be What Feels Good. I have Found Life isn't about Doing, Proving, Buying more & more, It's about Being More. Being More Present, Loving, Kind, Compassionate and all the good things, for more Focus on all the Good to Bring more Good in. It's a circle of life & energy, what we give out, we get back. I struggled with the full understanding of this as I was a mirror to the energy given to me for so long, forgetting my inner core & values and instead matching others energy.
Today it's more important for me to Live in a Space of my own Inner Power, Peace, Love & Happiness while speaking my truth, than Being liked by all. I am not for everyone, in fact I may annoy the Shitake out of you with how I speak and share if you may not resonate with Being a Hard Core Heart Centered Caretaker Soul and that's totally okay. I love and appreciate you as you are and hope you do your Best you in everyway that works for you. If you Resonate awesome freaking sauce, We welcome you with open arms, Hot Mess piece of Work, Awesome Success desiring a different way with more ease & grace, show up Authentic, Coachable ready to compete only with Being Better than the You, you were yesterday
Guess what Love & Grace are Free to have and share. What would you Love? What would you Love to do, be and have? What I've learned is Showing up in Love & Grace for Myself and allowing that more and more, Feels so much Better and Brings so much more Joy & Happiness rather than the contrast of pushing & shoving through life. Life's Good, when we allow ourselves the Love & Grace we've given out for so long and forgot to give ourselves.
Then & only then Can I show up more and more in the Love Frequency...
Every day we have a choice. We get a chance to Choose & Create each day by the way we feel. My Choice is to enjoy each day & feel good inside as much as possible.
What do you choose today?
Read more in to what this means to me below the Tee. Either way, enjoy your Day in your Best Way.